If you're in the Austin area this weekend, just hunt down the row of tables run by CCP Comics -- I'll be in there somewhere alongside a small army of other great artists! I'll also have copies of of this on-hand:
My brand-new sketchbook, making its debut at Austin Wizard World for only
$5 a copy! What you see here includes 28 full-color pages of sketches, works-in-progress-to-finished pieces, comic art, musings on inspiration, and a special Alice In Wonderland piece produced specifically for this collection, and on top of that you'll get a FREE custom sketch on the inside with your purchase! That's a lot of work to take home for $5! We'll also have issues of
Reichenbach #1, illustrated by yours truly, as well as a brand new anthology produced by CCP which we'll announce formally in the coming days!
Good Times to be had!